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Ever since I was 10, I've wanted to make and edit videos. In 2007 I got my first editing software and made little home movies with a camera he got for under $100.
Years have passed, and the software has gotten more advanced, the camera is worth considerably more, and the experience has increased tenfold in one decade.
In my years of editing and filmmaking, I have learnt from such great teachers and peers at school and beyond. Film work and editing have been done for people, organisations and companies from down the street to across the country.

So far I have shot, edited and starred in short films, have created promotional material for organisations and created educational and light entertainment.


Original production with Cimeon Spindletree


Original production


Original production


Original production

A short documentary series that follows the daily lives of Tasmanians.

Tassie Stories

Directed by Stuart Hedditch and Tom Larkin

Edited by Stuart Hedditch

Black, surreal comedy meets low-budget community television.OGTV takes regulars off the street to showcase their views on the world and everyone's favourite kid's character is a government shill.


Directed by Jon Stuart, Screenplay by Daniel Streatfield

Edited by Stuart Hedditch

Imagine that you are one of the "employees" for the lord of the underworld. Except that the devil himself is just a mundane guy, as discovered by a world famous documentary director.

The Boss from Hell

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